Memo: Racial Attitudes in the 2008 Election and Beyond
Jamila Celestine Michener
Memo: Civic and Political Activism: Understanding Immigrants in Civil Society
Claudia Sandoval
Memo: Political Mobilization in the 2008 Election
Christopher Berk
Memo: Political Participation: Before and After the Election
Claire McKinney
Memo: Political Alienation and Government Trust in the Age of Obama
Jon C. Rogowski
Memo: The 2008 Presidential Election and Political Information: How do Race, Age, and Political Events Impact Political Information Consumption?
Alexandra Bass
Memo: The Civic and Political Significance of Interest-Driven Online Activities and the Distribution of These Opportunities
Namjin Lee and Joseph Kahne
Read more about our memo authors
Wave 1 Fact Sheets
Fact Sheet: Participation and Mobilization
Fact Sheet: Political Efficacy, Trust, and Perceptions of Fairness
Fact Sheet: Race and Immigration
Wave 2 Fact Sheets
Fact Sheet: Participation
Fact Sheet: Political Efficacy
Fact Sheet: Race and Gender Relations
Wave 3 Fact Sheets
Fact Sheet: Participation
Fact Sheet: Political Efficacy
Fact Sheet: Race and Immigration